The Senior Academy at IU Indianapolis has established a scholarship program designed to partially support tuition and books for students who, for some reason, did not retain college-level status for at least 3 years, and are now planning to re-enroll at IU Indianapolis in order to complete their first undergraduate degree.

Amount: up to $3,000 for the academic year

Deadline: May 15

Apply through the IU Indianapolis Scholarship Office. *A, E, T, R1.

Criteria and Selection

The applicant must not have enrolled in any college-level courses during the three years prior to re-enrolling at IU Indianapolis. Applications will be reviewed and the awardee selected by the Senior Academy Scholarship Committee.

Applicants must:

  1. Meet regular admission/re-admission requirements to IU Indianapolis,
  2. Have had a grade point average of at least 2.00 on a 4.00 scale for previous college credits, and
  3. Agree to enroll for at least 6 credit hours per semester.

The applicant must also submit one letter of recommendation and complete an essay on academic goals, community service, and why experiences during absence from school will enhance/enable the successful completion of academic goals.

*A = Application, T = Transcripts, R1 = One letter of recommendation, E = Essay

Students must apply through the IU Indianapolis Office of Student Scholarships.

Click here to access the Office of Student Scholarships application.

(revised February 2019)